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Course Information

If Your admission process is complete proceed for course registration.


If You want to apply for a degree, please complete the admission process before proceeding.


If you are taking the course without admission, please apply here

Course Information

Fr. Angelos Beshara

Introduction to New Testament

Start Date: Sep 24, 2024

Fr. Angelos Bishara.png

Course Registration


Each year is about 12 courses that will be offered in two terms. Fall term: Sept to Dec & Winter and Spring Term: January to June. Course Schedules will be posted online before the beginning of each term.


All applicants to SPTS must pay for each course registration fee at least one week prior to the start of the course.


Registration fee for each course is currently $75 each and to be paid online.

Or e-transfer to:

Course Topics

  • Old Testament

  • New Testament

  • Dogmatic Theology

  • Theoretical Theology

  • Moral Theology

  • Comparative Theology

  • Pastoral Theology

  • Patrology

  • Church Canons

  • Coptic

  • Greek

  • Hebrew

  • Counselling

  • Liturgical Studies

  • Apologetics

  • Church History


Each course is 15 lecture hours.

Lectures for each course are typically offered in a 4-day setting within 2 weeks, once a month.

Courses are currently offered as synchronous online learning (virtually attend at the same time as your instructor and classmates) and will gradually be offered in asynchronous online learning (learn on your own schedule virtually) . Please contact for more information.

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Grading Systems

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Attendance, in class participation, oral presentations, book reports, research papers, written exams, journals,  and take home exams might be used as a means of course grading systems.

Each instructor will outline the grading system requirement(s) in the course syllabus.

A 60% or above grade is a must for successful completion of any course.

Upcoming Courses

SPTS Fall 2024 Calendar:

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